Mafia District has an area of about 2,829.6 Ht for grazing 2,829 animal unit. Grazed animals which are found in Mafia include cattle, sheep, goats, chicken and donkeys. All of these are mainly used for subsistence and commercial purposes. Currently the district has 14,429 grazed animals (11,543.2 units). For a ratio of 2.5 Ht for 1 unit we need an area of 4,617. For the time being the district has an extra number of grazed animals of about 10,892.75.
The district has an area covered with water of about 565km2 which is used for fisheries activities. A total of 1,325.375 tonnes has been fished for the year 2014/15 in which a large percentage is sold in Dar es Salaam Ferry Fish Market. The district has organs which deal with management of the fisheries resources which include Mafia Island Marine Park (MIMP) in the Southern part and Beach Management Unity (BMU) in the Northern part. The BMUs are 10 in number in 10 villages whose major role is to make sure the fisheries resources in their respective areas are used properly for the benefits of the present and future generation.
Kilindoni-Bomani Street
Anuani ya posta: 85
Simu: 0232010199
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